Friday, April 24, 2020

Quarantine - Day whatever

I woke up this morning with my head spinning...
the fastest way to get that stuff under control is type
so here I am
nothing's happening in order so apparently today is go with the flow...for a while anyway.

I finally made it to bed on time last night...and couldn't sleep
I didn't watch Ozark
I didn't read
I didn't walk 

I kept trying to go to sleep but my brain just kept spinning - it's funny how I can keep the old brain busy during the day...mostly...but at night, when I lay my head down on my pillow finally...I am awake...I am mostly imagining things...things that could happen...but probably won't 

I take deep breaths and try to push those thoughts away...they're under control for maybe 1/2 second...and they start working again.
then I'm really wide awake.  

I want my bedtime to be 10 p.m.
I want to get up before the sun rises and use all that morning time efficiently.

that didn't happen last night nor this morning

instead of letting myself spiral completely out of control, I got up and went downstairs to make some tea

Is it possible to overdose on tea?

I mixed Yogi tea "Stress Relief" with Pukka tea "Relax" and "Night Night"
probably won't do that again...not the greatest taste 

I ate popcorn and chatted with my youngest who was also up raiding the kitchen.

the teens are figuring this stuff out...I think...of course, they're kindof used to these weird hours...I guess...I don't know.

feels better to visit here this morning...maybe I'll be back tomorrow.

Oh yeah, and I did finally go to sleep at midnight...and then slept until much for the sunrise.

1 comment:

  1. I am working from home so I am still going to bed by 10pm and getting up before dawn but although I fall asleep just fine, I am not staying asleep. I wake nearly every hour. Somehow I feel fine. Not tired but I really could do without the waking up all throughout the night. I don't feel like I am worrying but I must be.
