Sunday, April 26, 2020

I am not alone

I know we can't always find good stuff.

But sometimes we can.

Y'all, I love church online.  
I love that I can listen to my church on my back patio.
I love that I can connect with friends from far away as well as across town while we're watching church together.
I love that a mentor of mine for so many years can send me a message while we're watching church together.
I love that the dogs can go to church with us ;)

I love that I can fold a load of clothes while watching and listening to church.
I love that the husband can rake pine straw while listening to church.
I love that the teenager can lay in our bed, snuggled in the covers while we listen to church.
I love that I can listen to church from around the world all through the day if I want...and even into the week.

I love that I can listen to my mom's church.
I love that I can listen to church in NYC in the church my mom and the teenager found as our home away from home.

So many things to love about church online.

1 comment:

  1. Online church has been a blessing. My youth group has been meeting in Zoom too. Interesting how the quiet ones are so much more vocal in Zoom.
